My little welcome to you!

Welcome! This blog is a compilation of humor, advice, and everyday life. There are expletives, so if you are sensitive, please go to someone else's blog. I am crass and sometimes downright rude, but I will tell it like it is. Come back to read my stories, I promise there will always be more. Welcome to my life!

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Catch the Rainbow!

This morning I got out of bed early.  It was not of my own choosing however.  My 4 year old needed to vomit, and guess who gets to hold her hair back?  MOMMY!!!  Of course.

I HATE BIG KID THROW UP!  It's different than baby spit-up.  I can handle that stuff, but big kid puke is just downright nasty.  And why are my kids sick anyway?  Didn't I do the motherly thing and take them both to get their flu shots?  Yes, of course I did.  I should be the one throwing up...lack of insurance and all.

So I was forced to stay home this morning with my daughter rather than go to class, which actually ticked me off royally.  I really needed to go to my classes today.  The semester is almost over and I don't want to piss my teachers off right before they sit down and decide my final grades.  So I fought with my husband over his job versus my schooling.  I still think my grades are more important than his prick boss.

We finally compromised and he came home at lunch so I could at least go to my afternoon classes.  And here I am in one of them which the professor is in the process of canceling, so now I get to go back home and clean up what is sure to be another rainbow of vomit.  I wonder if my son puking into my hands was what Skittles was talking about when they said "Catch the Rainbow!"  (Yes, this happened yesterday)

Have you ever taken care of a 4 year old who is throwing up every 10 minutes?  It's not fun.  Especially when she refuses to go to the bathroom without accompaniment.  Apparently she can't blow chunks without someone standing behind her, cheering her on.  GO TEAM VOMIT!!!!

I think I'll make myself a drink to partake of while I Lysol my entire house.  Have a great day readers, and think of me, stuck in a messy pile of it if you see a rainbow today.

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