My little welcome to you!

Welcome! This blog is a compilation of humor, advice, and everyday life. There are expletives, so if you are sensitive, please go to someone else's blog. I am crass and sometimes downright rude, but I will tell it like it is. Come back to read my stories, I promise there will always be more. Welcome to my life!

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Work it girl

We missed school today.  And my son's best friend is hanging out.  So naturally my house is being completely terrorized by all three kids.  I know you're wondering why we all missed school on a Friday, but I can explain! 

And the explanation is.....wait for it....I worked last night.  Expecting something more tragic?  Sorry to disappoint.  Ok, so usually when I work on Thursday nights my husband takes the kids to school so that I can sleep in.  Sounds like a win-win, right?  Well, not today.  He left for work at 6:30, which meant I needed to take both kids.  The problem with this is, I didn't get home until 4:00 a.m.  I wish he would have thought about that before he signed up for the early shift...the old prick. And I'm a bartender who is not discouraged from drinking, most nights even encouraged to drink on the job.  Would you have woken up?  Probably not. I love my job...getting paid to have a good time is alright with me.  And you can't beat the money combined with the hours...unless you're a doctor or lawyer and that's a few years away.

My daughter brought me water before I even sad is that?  Training her early, apparently.  Lol.  Nah, she's just pretty awesome like that.  My mouth felt like I had swallowed a levy bag full of sand left over from Hurricane Katrina.  Ugh.  Occupational hazard I guess.  So I grab the water and chug it down with the enthusiasm of an ant on a tootsie pop.  Then I fall back into the pillow, which is now wet from the water that missed my intended target. 

MOOOOOMMM!!!  Can I play  Please?  Please please please know how this goes. 

I tell her yes, and she tries to get online and figure out how to navigate the internet.  She's played plenty of times, but I usually get the URL up for her.  Grandpa is of little help, because he is definitely NOT internet savvy, to put it mildly. 

It's 15 minutes later, and I can hear a meltdown going on in the front room.  I reach for my water, but alas, it is no longer available.  My little cocktail waitress has bigger issues on her hands right now than rehydrating her less than coherent mother.  I roll out of bed and head into the kitchen.  There IS coffee this morning...hooray!!  Coffee is my gasoline.  I truly don't work without it.  I'm kind of a hybrid in the mornings, vodka at night.  Another win-win. 

Anyway, I get out of bed, locate PBS online for my daughter, and pour myself some coffee.  It may just be a productive day after all.  I mean, I'm home, so I can at least put a dent into the housework today.  Dinner is already cooking in the crockpot (I got that ready last night...woot woot, go superwoman).  But where do I start?  I can feel myself getting overwhelmed. 

I'll get to the housework in a little bit.  Maybe I'll check my Facebook.  Then that leads to a Google search.  Next comes my blog.  And so here I am, writing for you, ignoring the housework that really needs to be done, but hey...tomorrow is another day, right?  I mean, why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? 

I might just start with a vodka martini rather than the broom.  I did just send the kids outside to entertain themselves...

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