My little welcome to you!

Welcome! This blog is a compilation of humor, advice, and everyday life. There are expletives, so if you are sensitive, please go to someone else's blog. I am crass and sometimes downright rude, but I will tell it like it is. Come back to read my stories, I promise there will always be more. Welcome to my life!

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like ICE!

So, it's that time of year.  You know what I'm talking about...sleighbells ring, are you listening...silver bells, grandma got run over by a reindeer, all that jazz.  It is also time for the car to be defrosted PRIOR to getting out the front door.  The frost on my windshield was so thick this morning that I almost ran into a parked car.  That asshole shouldn't have parked on my side of the road anyway...doesn't he know that it's frosty outside and I've gotta get these kids off to school? 

We only had one meltdown this morning, about I'm Stinky.  No, I'm not stinky, it's a book title.  A book we could not locate.  A book that is supposed to be returned to school because it is library day today.  My daughter is an avid reader.  So much so that if you deny her love affair with books she feels that it is time to declare World War 3 on mommy.  And so it went this morning.

"Where is your library book?"  (Mom)

"I couldn't find it mommy!"  (Daughter)

"Well, I guess you're not gonna get a new one today from the library...we have to go, we are out of time!"

The tears start gushing from her like I just made her euthanize a brand new puppy...."BUT MOMMMMMMMMMM.......I want a new book today, I just don't know where it is, hic, hic"

Her brother is yelling at me that he "needs" a hat, which he probably does (it's about 32 degrees outside), but since we can't locate that either both children will just have to go without.  I'm running late, and my professor closes and locks the door if you're over 5 minutes late.  My frustration is growing with every hiccup.  

And so we argued, because we all know just how far you can get arguing with a 4 year old.  I finally get out the door, one crying child and one cold and angry child in tow.  I take a deep breath and look at the car.  No way.  It froze last night!  Why didn't I check before we came outside??????  Damn it, damn, damn, damn.  Son of a bitch...all sorts of wonderful curse words are going through my head.  My entire car is frosted over.  And do I have an ice scraper?  Of course not.

So now we sit in the driveway, in a seemingly futile attempt to breathe some warmth into the windshield, the clock tick, tick, ticking away.  My daughter is already 20 minutes late for her class, I am growing more impatient.  I finally give in to stupidity and start to back the car down the driveway.

HONK!!!!!!!!!  Shit...I guess someone else is on MY road this morning.

I gingerly touch the gas again....all clear.  Deep breaths, Krystie.  Deep breaths.  We inch down the street as I try to see the world around the vehicle.  My daughter is still hiccuping in the backseat of the car.  I turn around to attempt to make up with her and as I turn back around I note that my windshield is almost clear and OH SHIT!  Whoops!  I can't believe that car was parked there in that same spot that everyone always parks in...what the hell.  I didn't hit it...I guess that's the good news, or at least for my insurance policy.

I guess I'll stop at WalMart on the way home tonight and pick up an ice scraper and some eggnog.  We'll try this game again in the morning...tonight I've got a hat and a book to locate.


  1. I get to follow you first! Woohoo!!! So far your readings are awesome!

  2. Thanks Connie my love! I appreciate it!


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