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Welcome! This blog is a compilation of humor, advice, and everyday life. There are expletives, so if you are sensitive, please go to someone else's blog. I am crass and sometimes downright rude, but I will tell it like it is. Come back to read my stories, I promise there will always be more. Welcome to my life!

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Shop attack!

I have decided that I love Thanksgiving dinner, but the real part of Thanksgiving that I love is the morning after.  Yes, that's right....Black Friday.  The day that all of the insane plan a get together at their favorite locations and camp out talking about all of the money that they are sure to save by freezing their asses off standing in line.  I happen to be one of those people, although I don't subscribe to the idea of standing in the cold.  I believe that I can get there 10 minutes after the store opens and it will all be ok.  Or at least, that's what I though prior to this weekend. 

To set the scene you'll have to understand that my friend and I cooked an entire Thanksgiving dinner by ourselves, and then I bartended by myself all night.  I was a bit buzzed by the time we left the bar, and then we headed out to hit the sales.  I managed to piss off my friend by being sleepy, but we went anyway.  Better pissed off than pissed on, I always say.  So we headed to Old Navy, where there was a barrage of manequin looking folks already lined up.  The store was TRASHED.  I can't believe how ridiculous women are!  Okay, I say this, but after we left Old Navy we headed to Target and I became just as crazy as everyone else.  I mean, $2 for a hat and gloves for my daughter?  Better grab three!  Oooh, games on sale for $3.99!  GET IT NOW!!  What is this?  Throwpillows two for $7???  I don't need them but I need them!  I better grab this hoodie now...I'll never find it for $10 again!  OMG...get it! Grab that!  Knock that bitch out of the way! 

We were scrambling like a kid playing hungry hungry was absolutely beautiful.  A mad dash for electronics, toys, and other completely unneccesary items was underway.  Did I mention I was buzzed?  This was so much fun!  I had a blast with my friend in Target, but then we hit Burlington Coat Factory and the excitement was immediately gone.  I mean, talk about crash down to sleepless in reality.  Their sales sucked.  The only thing that was good wasn't even good, if you know what I mean.  Boots for $9, but they looked like if you wore them for more than 5 minutes you would have a blister covering the entire base of your foot.  Yuck.  We immediately retreated for home. 

After a few hours of much needed sleep, my husband and I took the kiddos to Wal-Mart, where I got to deal with a wonderful barrage of, Mommy can I have's.  You mom's out there know what I'm talking about.  Thank God my wonderful husband intervened and took the kids to the fish display.  Why is it that fish can keep my kids entertained for hours?  And Wal-Mart fish at that.  They're not even that great.  But I got some serious shopping done.  It put a nice dent into my wallet, but that's what you're supposed to do at Christmas, right? 

That's my Black Friday story.  Please tell me about yours...I only had to shove one person, but I know there are crazier people out there reading my blog.  See you tomorrow!

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