My little welcome to you!

Welcome! This blog is a compilation of humor, advice, and everyday life. There are expletives, so if you are sensitive, please go to someone else's blog. I am crass and sometimes downright rude, but I will tell it like it is. Come back to read my stories, I promise there will always be more. Welcome to my life!

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Did you just offer her a martini?

So what?  So what if I did?  I'm not really going to give it to her!  And the fact is, my child has been raised better than that.  She is extremely intelligent, and would never drink a martini if I offered it.  And I'm not really offering it...I'm testing her.  And she knows it.  So mind your business.  The kid won't even drink coffee!

Why is it that everyone thinks that they know how to raise your child?  People, get over yourselves.  Worry about your own children and whether or not we'll see them in an upcoming episode of 16 and Pregnant.  My kids are just fine, even above average.  They are semi-well adjusted, and they love their mom.  (and dad).  So why must you barrage me with your flood of advice as to how I should discipline them?  You don't know what's best for my are not his/her mother!  You do know what is best for your child and I won't be telling you not to give him Coca Cola in that bottle.  That's your business.  Not mine.  I'm certain we are doing well enough with our two little monsters. 

So what if my son gets put into time-out for hitting?  He is TWO!  And a boy!  And a little rambunctious!  I'll bust his ass if I want to...that's not your concern either.  Unless I'm punching my kid in the face you probably have absolutely no right to interfere.  Yes, I discipline my children.  I am not their friend, I am their mother.  And until they are grown and have children of their own who I do not get to make the choices for I will continue to do so. 

Why is that that the lady at the grocery store always gives me a dirty look when my kid is crying in the front of the cart?  Would you rather that I let him run his happy ass around the store, ripping things off the shelves and acting a fool?  I'm trying to raise little contributors to society, not the front page story of the most recent local robbery.  And who is to say that my kids are being denied when I don't let them eat candy every day?  Yes, I took away the Halloween candy.  Call me a bitch, but I don't think that a two and a four year old need to glottonize (is that a word?) themselves on 12 pounds of chocolate just because "it's Halloween...let them do what they want!"  Besides, candy keeps through until's good for stocking stuffers!

You don't see me calling you out when your little princess tells you that she hates you in the middle of Kohl's and you respond by giving her the toy that she grabbed off the shelf.  Go ahead and make her believe that she is Paris Hilton.  It should work out well for her when she grows up.  She'll pout and throw a fit for that new outfit and her sugar daddy will respond in the same manner as mommy did.  But do I call you out on it?  NO!  It's your business! 

So what have we learned here today, ladies and gentlemen?  It's an important lesson, to be sure.  Raise your own children, and stay the eff out of the raising of mine and everyone else's.  Yes, we should notify friends if we feel that their kids are out of control, but it's not really your place to jump in.  We are all going to screw our kids up in one way or another, so let's let the original parents do it themselves.  We don't need assistance from well-meaning but nosy friends along the way.  


  1. mmm.... sounds like you have grown up to be your momma! LOL....seems I have heard this same argument from my own lips! Love You honey... Love your blog!

  2. excellent! Your mom is right! As moms, we do what we gotta do, to raise semi-behaved kids instead of spoiled brats. My mom said to me: "In theory, you should not spank your kids. But with SOME kids, it is the only way to get their attention!" Go Mom! I miss her so.
    I enjoy your blogs very much. Your mom brought them to my attention. For me? It's "beer-thirty" after a pain day, or a long one. Coupla Bud LIghts and I am set.

  3. thirty is always a good time of day. And glad to hear you like the blog. It's a lot of fun to write. Send out the message! :)

    And yes, some kids need their little tushies spanked. But again, it's the parent's choice. Not some know-it-all who is standing in line at the grocery store. :)


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