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Welcome! This blog is a compilation of humor, advice, and everyday life. There are expletives, so if you are sensitive, please go to someone else's blog. I am crass and sometimes downright rude, but I will tell it like it is. Come back to read my stories, I promise there will always be more. Welcome to my life!

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Teaching manners...

When do kids get the grateful gene back?  Because my two kids are CONVINCED that the world revolves around their every want and whim.  And I swear we don't spoil them!  Sure, they have everything that they need, but we definitely don't give them everything that they want.  Well, not everything.  And much of what they do have is second-hand...I see nothing wrong with yard sales and thrift stores, ok?  They grow out of toys and clothes soon enough anyway. 

My oldest is convinced that Santa is bringing her a guitar for Christmas.  And you know what?  He is.  But the fact that she already knows in her little heart that it's coming makes me want to take it back.  Remember how I told you yesterday that she says she is a rock star?  She really really really thinks that she is.  Or that she will be at some point anyway.  

We do a lot for our kids.  I want to make sure that they have lots of memories and traditions that they can look back into their childhood and find comfort from.  But sometimes I am concerned that I do too much.  Just how spoiled is too spoiled?  I don't like spoiling them with stuff, persay, but we do a lot of activities together as a family.  Part of this is also to get them away from the ever-alluring Dora and Diego that Grandpa insists MUST be on at all times if the kids are anywhere near the television. 

And why do we think that the TV is something that has to be turned on all the time?  We act like people can't live without television.  As if there was never a time that TV wasn't the center of all households.  And we complain that we don't have enough time in the day, but I bet you didn't miss this week's episode of Glee...I know I didn't!  We want more "family time" and yet we forget that a family game of Scrabble can be much more fulfilling and entertaining than the latest movie by Timothy Burton.

So yeah, we spoil our kids, but mostly with wrestling, or a game of football in the front yard, or hide and seek, or dance classes.  We'll probably throw in some guitar lessons next month...pending Santa brings that guitar.  I really hope that someday my kiddos will look and me and remember to say thank you without having to be prompted first.  They are the ones who will have to wipe my ass when I get old, and I'm definitely thinking about that now.

But for now, I'll just be content with knowing that they really have plenty of love in their lives.  Teaching them how to build relationships and love as many people as they can is probably the most important thing that we can give to them as parents.  And that is just what we will continue to do for the rest of their little lives.  Because they'll never remember the camera that they got that one Christmas, but they will remember that we always read the real Christmas Story on Christmas Eve.  And they probably won't remember how many items were in their stocking, but they'll remember hot chocolate while they decorate the Christmas tree every year.  That monster truck will eventually go into the trash, but the friend who gave it to my son will always be in his memory.  And they won't remember how many cookies they ate, but they will remember that mommy will bust their asses if they don't ask first.  Tradition.  That's where it's at.


  1. I hope they remember the xmas cookie decorating at grandma Connie's house too. I will miss that. Do it for me this year. Love you and miss you.

  2. Awwww, of course they will! And no worries, we'll think of you while we're decorating, maybe even give you a call...

  3. They will remember what they want to remember...and as far as gratitude, well .... But they will remember that you are a wonderful mom and Michael is a fantastic Dad.... at least until they are 7 or 8 or so....LOL...


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