My little welcome to you!

Welcome! This blog is a compilation of humor, advice, and everyday life. There are expletives, so if you are sensitive, please go to someone else's blog. I am crass and sometimes downright rude, but I will tell it like it is. Come back to read my stories, I promise there will always be more. Welcome to my life!

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Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm so full!

Okay, so I'm going to admit something to you.  I love food.  Seriously.  I love it.  But at the same time, I don't want to be unhealthy.  It's truly a pickle, which sounds good, by the way.  I like to exercise too, which is a good thing and usually balances my big ass out, but I don't think I'll ever be a size 2, no matter what I do. 

And it is so difficult to be a healthy mom when I am constantly barraged with food associated with my children!  I mean, what is with the girl scout cookies???  I love them, don't get me wrong, but why can't I just buy my 2 box quota and be done with it??  I don't need 25 boxes; I'd rather just donate my money or buy a t-shirt or something.  Which will be a 2XL by the time I finish these cookies, I'll have you know.  And the boy scouts have popcorn, right?  But not regular popcorn, no...this stuff is loaded with caramel, cheddar cheese, or butter.  Not to mention the cookie dough sales that the schools have.  And it's funny too, that everyone says wintertime is weight gain time, but isn't there a holiday every month? 

January has New Year's and the Super Bowl.  Try staving off calories during that.  Not gonna happen. 

February has Valentine's Day.  What is the gift of choice?  CHOCOLATE!  (My favorite, btw).
March has St. Patrick's Day, and you can't tell me that you won't drink at least one green beer.  Beer=calories.  It also=delicious. 

April has Easter, which means good home cooking plus all the candy in the kid's Easter baskets.  Someone remind me what a rabbit who lays eggs has to do with Jesus?

May has the Cinco de Mayo....hello every delicious type of Mexican food you can think of!  Plus Mother's Day, which means a dinner out, of course.

June has Father's Day, but it is also the real beginning of summer, which means barbeques full of meat, beans, and every type of mayonaisse based salad you can think of (potato, macaroni, broccoli, etc.)

July has the 4th of July, which is another barbeque and candy thrown at the local parade.  Then even more barbeques, am I wrong?

August might be the only month that doesn't have anything in it, but it DOES signify the end of summer, to which we must throw at least 1-5 get togethers and bbq some more.  :)  Hello again, potato salad!

September has Labor Day weekend, which means the entire weekend is full of bad choices including that final barbeque and campout with smores and more beer.

October has Halloween, and we all know that Halloween is the Chocolate Lover's Wet Dream.  (That would be me).  5 lbs, minimum, both of chocolate and on my ass.

November we throw in Thanksgiving, because, let's face it, who doesn't want to stuff their face with turkey, stuffing, every side we can think of, and grandma's homemade pie?  I know I'm already waiting!

December is Christmas, complete with parties at school, home, and everywhere in between.  Then you have Christmas day, with stocking candy and more FOOD!!! 

Let's not even get into all of the birthday parties that we attend as parents.  This means cake, cake, cake, oh and throw a little ice cream on top of that will ya?  Just a small piece for me, but nah, go ahead, we're celebrating, right? 

Sound familiar. I think you get my point.

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